Trail Tales Story Walk

Stark Parks and Stark Library are pleased to partner to create a permanent Trail Tale story walk at Sippo Lake Park.

Beginning at the Exploration Gateway Shelter and Playground, the crushed limestone trail will take you toward Sippo Lake and the Exploration Gateway building while stopping to read and view the illustrations and pictures on large pages of a book on display.  Stories will be changing several times during the year.  Check out the bottom of each page for some fun facts and activities that go along with the story!

While the stories will be geared toward elementary readers, the Trail Tale is open to all ages and abilities.  We hope you enjoy being part of the story and the sights and sounds of your time and experiences at the park!

The trail is a crushed limestone surface for biking and hiking, accessible for strollers, wheelchairs, or wagons.  Park in the lower parking lot and access the trail by the kiosk.  The stations will begin after the trail bends and heads toward Sippo Lake.

This project was supported by federal Institute of Museum and Library Services funds, granted through the State Library of Ohio American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Outreach Grant.


Sippo Lake Park is open daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.  


Sippo Lake Park-North, 5712 12th St. NW, Canton 44708


2024 Schedule

  • July – How to Say Hello To A Worm by Kari Percival
  • September – Reading Beauty by Deborah Underwood

*Books subject to change and may not be switched over on the first day of the month.