Quail Hollow Park
13480 Congress Lake Avenue, Hartville, OH 44632
Open Daily: All parks are open 24 hours a day, unless otherwise posted.
General Information: 330.477.3552
On-Duty Ranger: 330.353.2377
Rentals and Reservations: 330-409-8096
Quail Hollow Park Office: 330.409.8096
Feedback from a Community Survey and Public Meetings was used to put together a Master Plan for Quail Hollow Park.
Chapter 2.1 – Background Information
Chapter 2.2 – Background Information
Chapter 5 – Implementation Strategy
Quail Hollow Park features over 700 acres of rolling meadows, marshes, pine and deciduous woods surrounding a 40-room house. Scenic woodland trails, gardens and the house offer a variety of natural and cultural experiences for visitors. Operating as a state park since 1975, Stark Parks began managing the park in January of 2016.
The former H.B. Stewart family home referred to as the the Stewart Manor House is used for educational and community programs and events. Fishing is recommended at the 2-acre Shady Lane Pond. A valid Ohio fishing license is required. Picnic areas are located in the center of the park with tables, grills, and restrooms close by. A Wind Phone phone booth is located off the Nature For All Trail, providing a disconnected phone for calling lost loved ones, offering a unique way to process grief in a safe, quiet, peaceful, private environment.
The Quail Hollow Volunteer Association offers a variety of volunteer opportunities to enhance park programs and the park site. The association also acts as a base of support for the park by assisting the park staff, raising funds, accepting donations to aid park operations, and acts as a link between the park and the surrounding community.
Primitive Camping
A primitive group camping site is available with advance reservations for groups up to 25 people. The area includes a fire ring and picnic tables. Water must be carried in and trash must be packed out. Parking, water, and restrooms are located .25 mile from the site. Submit a Special Event Request to use the primitive camping area.
Stewart Manor House
Several rooms inside the Stewart Manor House are available to rent for meetings, weddings, and group functions. A charming gazebo on the grounds can be rented for outdoor activities including weddings. The house is open for scheduled programming, rental events, and tours. Experience the charm of the 1929 H.B Stewart Manor House during guided tours on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month (May through September) at 2 p.m. $5 cash at the door for ages 5 and up, a family maximum is $20.
Carriage House
The Carriage House across from the Stewart Manor House serves as a meeting location for guided programs and may be used as part of special events presented by Stark Parks or QHVA.
Winter Recreation
Snow-covered trails are not only beautiful for hiking, but they provide a great opportunity for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing! When conditions allow, rental of Cross-country skis and snowshoes will take place at Quail Hollow Park only.
To get the program alerts, please submit your name and email address to the Winter Activity Alerts
Park Trails (3)
Mountain Bike Trail
Trail Length: 3.3 Miles
A moderate level, Mountain Bike loop Trail passes mostly through deciduous and coniferous forests. Cleveland Area Mountain Bike Assn. (CAMBA) has adopted this trail and holds regular clean up and maintenance days.
Please do not ride the trail after heavy rains or snow melts. The trail surface will be soft and conditions will be muddy and require repairs.
Quail Hollow Equestrian Trails
Trail Length: 4.4 Miles
The Yellow, Green, and Red Trails loop and connect through coniferous forests near the west side of the park.
- Camping (Primitive)
- Controlled Deer Hunting
- Fishing
- Geocaching and Orienteering
- Hiking
- Horseback Riding
- Mountain Biking
- On Your Own
- Running and parkrun
- Winter Activities
- Fishing Dock
- Grills
- Picnic Tables
- Playground
Share Your Experience
The Stark County Park District prohibits the use of motorized vehicles in this park and on its trails. Sections of trail may not be suitable for wheelchair access. Weather may impact the accessibility of trails, always use caution. Ohio Revised Code E-bike laws apply.