Wildlife Release Site Application

Thank you for your interest as a wildlife release site through the Wildlife Conservation Center. Use the application below and we will be in contact with you if your property is approved. If approved, your information will be added to the database and you will be contacted as needed. A renewal application is done each year and we will contact you at that time.

Release sites must meet the following criteria:
• Neither hunting nor trapping of the species to be released are allowed on the property and preferably do not occur on neighboring lands
• There is a year-round water source within 1 mile of the property
• There are no fences that would prohibit wildlife from coming and going from the area
• Property must be privately owned and not in a heavily residential area or close to heavily traveled roadways
• With fall/winter releases, we may ask to provide supplemental food to the animal(s) to allow them to adjust to their new home
• No feral or free roaming cats
• Must be able to have good communication the Wildlife Conservation Center via phone or email

Wildlife Release Site

Contact Information

Property and Species Information

*Squirrels require hanging a squirrel box, similar to a bird house but larger. These need mature, large trees to be able to support the weight on the box and its inhabitants. Squirrels can be territorial therefore we release the same sub-species already present in a location. **Year-round water source on property required.
