Cache a Glimpse Geocache Challenge

Logo with sunshine and hikers with Cache a Glimpse of Stark Parks in text

Geocaching is a great way to explore Stark Parks year-round! Find the hidden caches at different park locations and collect 12 out of 15 code words to win a unique tOAKen as a part of the Cache a Glimpse of Stark Parks Geocache Challenge!  The challenge is set to continue through the end of 2024.

Collection Locations

To collect your Geocaching tOAKen visit: 

Wildlife Conservation Center
Sippo Lake Park-West
800 Genoa Ave NW

Massillon, OH 44646 

Open Monday to Saturday: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phone: 330-477-0448 

How to Get Started?

The Tam O'Shanter Geocache is currently disabled due to construction. We have included the Code Word for this location on the passport.

If you are not a premium member of there will be additional steps to view the coordinates for the multi-caches at Quail Hollow Park for the immediate future.  Please follow the steps below or use the button below for a screen share video to demonstrate.

  1. Start by choosing a traditional geocache in a nearby location.
  2. Tap the banner to bring up additional details.
  3. Scroll down until you see "Waypoints" and select that.
  4. Click on the plus sign to add additional waypoints.
  5. Enter the coordinates (Quail Hollow Park N 40' 59.088, W 81' 18.197) and tap "add" in the upper right corner.
  6. Then choose the navigation arrow to get directions to the geocache!

Get started with these items:

  1. A smart phone 
  2. Free geocaching app  
  3. Stark Parks Geocaching Passport

How to Find a Cache 

  1. Download the Geocaching app
  2. Register for a free basic membership
  3. Click the search bar in the upper left corner.
  4. Search for the caches in this trail using the “GC Code” listed on this passport.
  5. Use the app to assist you in finding the hidden geocache.
  6. Carefully search for the cache showing respect for your surroundings.
  7. Sign the logbook, fill in the passport and return the cache to its original location.
  8. Be sure to log your cache on the app!

Geocaching Etiquette 

  • Obey local laws. Follow regulations governing the use of roads and other public areas. Obtain permission before entering private property.
  • Leave No Trace. Practice “Cache in Trash Out”. Clean up litter along the way and don’t leave any behind. This helps keep trails clean.
  • Respect the Geocache. Replace the container exactly as you found it.
  • Log your find. Sign the logbook and share your experience on the app. If you take something from the cache, leave something of equal or greater value.
  • Keep ‘em moving. Only take a trackable item if you are willing to help it travel from geocache to geocache.

Cache a Glimpse GC Codes

Cook’s Lagoon & Trail 

CGSP #1 



Deer Creek Reservoir 

CGSP #2 



Devonshire Park 

CGSP #3 



Esmont Park & Trail 

CGSP #4 



Fichtner Park & Trail 

CGSP #5 



Fry Family Park 

CGSP #6 



Middle Branch Trail 

CGSP #7 



Olde Muskingum Trail 

CGSP #8 



Petros Lake Park 

CGSP #9 



Quail Hollow Park 

CGSP #10 



Sippo Lake Park 

CGSP #11 



Sippo Valley Trail 

CGSP #12 



Tam O’Shanter Park 

CGSP #13 

Code Word Provided due to Construction Project at Park: GOLF


Congressman Ralph Regula Towpath Trail 

CGSP #14 



Walborn Reservoir 

CGSP #15