Community Scientist Videos

What can you do at home to attract and appreciate wildlife to your area?  This collection of videos provides a variety of ways to be a community scientist in your community.

Backyard Birding
Wild Animals vs. Pets
Be a Scientist at Home
Habitats and Adaptations
Caterpillar Pop Quiz
Signs of Spring-Nests
Backyard Bioblitz

Crafts and Family Activities

Follow instructions to make a fun craft or toy, play a game, and more.

Pool Noodle Pony Craft
Window Painting
Make a Tote from a Pet Food Bag
DIY Rag Wreath

Stark County Area History

Find out more about historical places, people, stories, and legends from around Stark County and Ohio.  

Magnolia Flouring Mills
Stewart Manor House Tour
Smallpox in Stark County
Sandyville, The Town that Moved
Morgan's Raid of 1863 near Stark County

Species Spotlight

Learn more about native wildlife and insects in our area and what makes them each unique.  Some videos will feature wildlife ambassadors permanently residing at the Wildlife Conservation Center.

Species Spotlight: Virginia Opossum
Toads and Make a Toad House
Species Spotlight: Eastern Cottontail Rabbit
Species Spotlight: Eastern Screech Owl
Butterfly Puddle in your Backyard


Follow along with Kim Kohler in these yoga flows for all ages and abilities.  Kim instructs the Down to Earth Yoga programs typically held throughout the year.  

Welcome to Down to Earth Yoga