Volunteer Spotlight

We spotlight and recognize several volunteers who are hard working, dedicated, and enthusiastic.  We salute them and their willingness to get involved and make a difference. 

Click on the image or Read More link to find out about their volunteer story and how they help at Stark Parks!  If it inspires you to check out volunteer opportunities, click on the button and apply to be a volunteer too.  

Kathy Sailer and Jaz, Trailblazer Volunteer
Al Eibel, Bird Nest Box Volunteer
Jeff Hughes, You Name it!
Bill Rogers, Wildlife Volunteer
Donna Moore, Trailblazer and Event Volunteer
Doug Bower, Trailblazer and Healthy Adventures
Lindy Anastis, Trustee
Chuck and Peggy Nunley, FeLeap and Asst. and Trailblazers
Marianne Eick, Trailblazer, Healthy Adventures Lead Volunteer, and Park Ambassador